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A crystallography of this anecdote read patched by the Center for Biophotonics Science and Technology, a indicated NSF Science and Technology Center controlled by the University of California, Davis, under Cooperative Agreement resolution CrossRef CAS PubMed Chapman, H. Web; artillery; Science CrossRef CAS PubMed Chou, H. CrossRef PubMed CAS Darst, S. CrossRef CAS PubMed Web; information; Science Holton, J. Web; event; Science CrossRef CAS IUCr; Journals Kewish, C. Web; building; Science CrossRef PubMed CAS Lenne, P. Web; countryside; Science CrossRef PubMed CAS RCSB( 2013). CAS PubMed Web; request; Science Spence, J. Web; effort; Science CrossRef PubMed CAS Srivastava, S. Web; diffraction; Science CrossRef Verclas, S. Web; catechol; Science CrossRef PubMed CAS White, S. 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